Scenarios Returning a Special Return Status

Unsupported Operation: GET /core/does-not-exist

This request will match the following controller:

Controller Code→

public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

Based on the path specified, the following method will be invoked.

Method Code→

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public <T extends RestAddressableModel> PagedResources<DSpaceResource<T>> findAll(
    Pageable page,
    PagedResourcesAssembler assembler,
    @RequestParam(required = false) String projection,
    HttpServletResponse response) {
  DSpaceRestRepository<T, ?> repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);

This will call the following method with the following parameters

Method Code→

public DSpaceRestRepository getResourceRepository(String apiCategory, String modelPlural) {
    String model = makeSingular(modelPlural);
    try {
        return applicationContext.getBean(apiCategory + "." + model, DSpaceRestRepository.class);
    } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
        throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(apiCategory, model);

This method will throw a RepositoryNotFoundException.

Class Code→

Note that this class extends RuntimeException

@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason = "This endpoint is not found in the system")
public class RepositoryNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {

The following class handles exceptions for the Spring MVC Framework because of the presence of

Class Code→

public class DSpaceApiExceptionControllerAdvice extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {

Since there is no handle in place for RepositoryNotFoundException or RuntimeException, default exception handling within Spring is invoked and a 404 Status Code (SC_NOT_FOUND) is returned.

TODO: confirm that there is no other DSpace code triggering the 404.

Missing Required Parameter: GET /core/communities/search/subCommunities

This request will match the following controller:

Controller Code→

public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

Based on the path specified, the following method will be invoked.

Method Code→


@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/search/{searchMethodName}")
public <T extends RestAddressableModel> ResourceSupport executeSearchMethods(@PathVariable String apiCategory,
                                                                             @PathVariable String model,
                                                                             @PathVariable String searchMethodName,
                                                                             Pageable pageable, Sort sort,
                                                                             PagedResourcesAssembler assembler,
                                                                             @RequestParam MultiValueMap<String,
                                                                                 Object> parameters)
    throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {

    Link link = linkTo(this.getClass(), apiCategory, model).slash("search").slash(searchMethodName).withSelfRel();
    DSpaceRestRepository repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);
    boolean returnPage = false;
    Object searchResult = null;

The following method will locate the appropriate search method by calling

    Method searchMethod = repositoryUtils.getSearchMethod(searchMethodName, repository);

    if (searchMethod == null) {
        if (repositoryUtils.haveSearchMethods(repository)) {
            throw new RepositorySearchMethodNotFoundException(model, searchMethodName);
        } else {
            throw new RepositorySearchNotFoundException(model);

Once the appropriate search method has been found, will be invoked.

    searchResult = repositoryUtils
        .executeQueryMethod(repository, parameters, searchMethod, pageable, sort, assembler);

    returnPage = searchMethod.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(Page.class);
    ResourceSupport result = null;
    if (returnPage) {
        Page<DSpaceResource<T>> resources = ((Page<T>) searchResult).map(repository::wrapResource);
        result = assembler.toResource(resources, link);
    } else {
        DSpaceResource<T> dsResource = repository.wrapResource((T) searchResult);
        result = dsResource;
    return result;

Method Code→

    public Method getSearchMethod(String searchMethodName, DSpaceRestRepository repository) {
        Method searchMethod = null;
        for (Method method : repository.getClass().getMethods()) {

This method will search the code for the Annotation and then compare the name of the method with the searchMethodName.

            SearchRestMethod ann = method.getAnnotation(SearchRestMethod.class);
            if (ann != null) {
                String name =;
                if (name.isEmpty()) {
                    name = method.getName();
                if (StringUtils.equals(name, searchMethodName)) {
                    searchMethod = method;
        return searchMethod;

The following method contains the matching @SearchRestMethod annotation.

Method Code→

// TODO: add method in dspace api to support direct query for subcommunities
// with pagination and authorization check
@SearchRestMethod(name = "subCommunities")

Note that the parentCommunity Parameter to this function contains the annotation. Note that the annotation parameter named required has been set to true.

public Page<CommunityRest> findSubCommunities(@Parameter(value = "parent", required = true) UUID parentCommunity,
        Pageable pageable) {
    Context context = obtainContext();
    List<Community> subCommunities = new ArrayList<Community>();
    try {
        Community community = cs.find(context, parentCommunity);
        if (community == null) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                CommunityRest.CATEGORY + "." + CommunityRest.NAME + " with id: " + parentCommunity + " not found");
        subCommunities = community.getSubcommunities();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
    Page<CommunityRest> page = utils.getPage(subCommunities, pageable).map(converter);
    return page;

Annotation Interface Code→

public @interface Parameter {
    String value() default "";
    boolean required() default false;

Method Code→

public Object executeQueryMethod(DSpaceRestRepository repository, MultiValueMap<String, Object> parameters,
                                 Method method, Pageable pageable, Sort sort, PagedResourcesAssembler assembler) {

    MultiValueMap<String, Object> result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>(parameters);
    MethodParameters methodParameters = new MethodParameters(method, PARAM_ANNOTATION);

    for (MethodParameter parameter : methodParameters.getParametersWith(Parameter.class)) {

The Spring Framework is able to convert each param with @Parameter Annotation into an instance.

        final Parameter parameterAnnotation = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(Parameter.class);
        final String paramName = parameter.getParameterName();
        List<Object> value = parameters.get(paramName);

If the value associated with this Parameter is null (not found), then check to see if the annotation had marked this parameter as required.

        if (value == null) {
            if (parameterAnnotation.required()) {

In our example, the parameter named parent is required. Since this parameter was not passed, an is thrown.

                throw new MissingParameterException(
                        String.format("Required Parameter[%s] Missing",

        result.put(paramName, value);

    return invokeQueryMethod(repository, method, result, pageable, sort);

The DSpaceApiExceptionControllerAdvice class will be scanned for an appropriate exception handler for a MissingParameterException.

Method Code→

Note that this method will return an HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY or 422 status.

protected void MissingParameterException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Exception ex)
    throws IOException {

    //422 is not defined in HttpServletResponse.  Its meaning is "Unprocessable Entity".
    //Using the value from HttpStatus.
    //Since this is a handled exception case, the stack trace will not be returned.
    sendErrorResponse(request, response, null,

Attempt to Delete a Workspace Item (Unauthenticated): DELETE /submission/workspaceitems/111

This request will match the following controller:

Controller Code→

public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

Based on the path specified, the following method will be invoked.

Method Code→


@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = REGEX_REQUESTMAPPING_IDENTIFIER_AS_DIGIT)
public ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport> delete(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable String apiCategory,
                                              @PathVariable String model, @PathVariable Integer id)
    throws HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException {
    return deleteInternal(apiCategory, model, id);

Method Code→

private <ID extends Serializable> ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport> deleteInternal(String apiCategory, String model,
                                                                                 ID id) {
    checkModelPluralForm(apiCategory, model);
    DSpaceRestRepository<RestAddressableModel, ID> repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);
    return ControllerUtils.toEmptyResponse(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);

Method Code→

This method will return the appropriate Repository class.

public DSpaceRestRepository getResourceRepository(String apiCategory, String modelPlural) {
    String model = makeSingular(modelPlural);
    try {
        return applicationContext.getBean(apiCategory + "." + model, DSpaceRestRepository.class);
    } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
        throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(apiCategory, model);

Class Code→

@Component(WorkspaceItemRest.CATEGORY + "." + WorkspaceItemRest.NAME)
public class WorkspaceItemRestRepository extends DSpaceRestRepository<WorkspaceItemRest, Integer> {

Method Code→

This method invokes the DSpace API to perform the delete operation.

If the user is not authorized to perform this action, an org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException is thrown.

protected void delete(Context context, Integer id) throws AuthorizeException {
    WorkspaceItem witem = null;
    try {
        witem = wis.find(context, id);
        wis.deleteAll(context, witem);
    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

The DSpaceApiExceptionControllerAdvice class will be scanned for an appropriate exception handler for an AuthorizeException.

Method Code→

Note that this method will return a status of HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED if the user is not logged in.

This method will return a status of HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN if a user is logged in but not permitted to perform the operation.

@ExceptionHandler({AuthorizeException.class, RESTAuthorizationException.class})
protected void handleAuthorizeException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Exception ex)
    throws IOException {
    if (restAuthenticationService.hasAuthenticationData(request)) {
        sendErrorResponse(request, response, ex, ex.getMessage(), HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
    } else {
        sendErrorResponse(request, response, ex, ex.getMessage(), HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);

Attempt to Delete a Workspace Item (Authorized): DELETE /submission/workspaceitems/111

Repeating the prior scenario, imagine that the user is authorized to perform the delete operation.

This request will match the following controller:

Controller Code→

public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

Based on the path specified, the following method will be invoked.

Method Code→


@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = REGEX_REQUESTMAPPING_IDENTIFIER_AS_DIGIT)
public ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport> delete(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable String apiCategory,
                                              @PathVariable String model, @PathVariable Integer id)
    throws HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException {
    return deleteInternal(apiCategory, model, id);

Method Code→

private <ID extends Serializable> ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport> deleteInternal(String apiCategory, String model,
                                                                                 ID id) {
    checkModelPluralForm(apiCategory, model);
    DSpaceRestRepository<RestAddressableModel, ID> repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);

The following Spring Framework method will construct an empty response with a status of HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT or 204.

    return ControllerUtils.toEmptyResponse(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);