GET /api/core/communities

Get Communities Controller

Locate the Controller for this request

The Spring MVC Framework looks for RestController annotations (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController).

The best matched controller for this request will be defined as /api/{apiCategory}/{model}

Class Code→

The following annotaion indicates that this class is a RestController


This annotation registers a URL path pattern with this class.

Note, any controller methods defined within this class will reference a path relative to the path assigned to the class.

public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

Find the appropriate method to call

The class has already matched to /api/core/communities. We need to locate the request mapping that expects no additional path information.

Method Code→

Register this method as the handler for a URL Path relative to the controller path defined at the class level.

Note that no additional path has been specified for this method. As we look at other methods, you will see that they operation on qualified paths.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

This method will return a page of DSpaceResource objects. The REST api controls the maximum number of return objects through pagination.

public <T extends RestAddressableModel> PagedResources<DSpaceResource<T>> findAll(

Remember that the following variables were extracted from the URL path at the class level.

    @PathVariable String apiCategory,
    @PathVariable String model,

Pagination and sort parameters are extracted from the URL parameters. Parameter names confirm to Spring framework defaults for pagination.

    Pageable page,
    PagedResourcesAssembler assembler,

This annotation maps a URL parameter to a method variable. When required is true, the method will fail if a param is not present.

@RequestParam is a DSpace annotation. This annotation will ensure consistent treatment of required parameters throughout the code base. It should also provide a clear indication of parameter behavior for developers.

    @RequestParam(required = false) String projection,
    HttpServletResponse response) {

Find the REST Repository ObjectSee below→ that will retrieve objects from DSpace.

  DSpaceRestRepository<T, ?> repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);

Create a “self” link to this method. We will explore link creation in another section.

  Link link = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass(), apiCategory, model).findAll(apiCategory, model,
      page, assembler, projection, response))

Query for all items and load only a single page of items repository.findAll See below→.

repository::wrapResourceSee below→ is a Java 8 lambda function that will operate on each object as it is added to the resources collection.

  Page<DSpaceResource<T>> resources;
  try {
      resources = repository.findAll(page).map(repository::wrapResource);

linkService::addLinksSee below→ is a Java 8 lambda function that will operate on each object in the resources collection.


Error handling

If incorrect pagination parameters are provided, an empty list will be returned along with a total count of available resources.

  } catch (PaginationException pe) {
      resources = new PageImpl<DSpaceResource<T>>(new ArrayList<DSpaceResource<T>>(), page, pe.getTotal());

Other errors will be handled with an exception.

The Spring MVC Framework allows exceptions to be captured in a single place. Different types of exceptions can trigger different return status values. See Class Code→

  } catch (RepositoryMethodNotImplementedException mne) {
      throw mne;

Assemble the page of resources into “PagedResources” a HATEOAS compliant manner.

  PagedResources<DSpaceResource<T>> result = assembler.toResource(resources, link);

If a search method exists for this repository, create a link for it.

  if (repositoryUtils.haveSearchMethods(repository)) {
      result.add(linkTo(this.getClass(), apiCategory, model).slash("search").withRel("search"));
  return result;

Communities Repository

Class Code→

@Component(CommunityRest.CATEGORY + "." + CommunityRest.NAME)
public class CommunityRestRepository extends DSpaceRestRepository<CommunityRest, UUID> {

Spring uses java reflection to link the DSpace API’s Community Service into this class.

      CommunityService cs;

Spring uses java reflection to link the CommunityConverter→ class into the code. This class will convert DSpace API Community objects into a representation within the REST API.

      CommunityConverter converter;

Method Code→

public Page<CommunityRest> findAll(Context context, Pageable pageable) {
     List<Community> it = null;
     List<Community> communities = new ArrayList<Community>();
     int total = 0;
     try {

Call the DSpace API Community Service to get a page of results.

         total = cs.countTotal(context);
         it = cs.findAll(context, pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset());
         for (Community c : it) {
     } catch (SQLException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

Convert each result in the page set into its REST representation using the CommunityConverter.

     Page<CommunityRest> page = new PageImpl<Community>(communities, pageable, total).map(converter);
     return page;

Lambda: Code→

This method will wrap a CommunityRest object into a HAL compliant resource container.

public CommunityResource wrapResource(CommunityRest community, String... rels) {
    return new CommunityResource(community, utils, rels);

Lambda: Code→

public HALResource addLinks(HALResource halResource) {
    try {
        addLinks(halResource, null);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.warn("Unable to add links to HAL resource " + halResource, ex);
    return halResource;

This method will create the standard components displayed in the HAL Broswer (Properties, Links, Embedded Resources).

Method, Pageable) Code→

public void addLinks(HALResource halResource, Pageable pageable) throws Exception {
    LinkedList<Link> links = new LinkedList<>();

    List<HalLinkFactory> supportedFactories = getSupportedFactories(halResource);
    for (HalLinkFactory halLinkFactory : supportedFactories) {
        links.addAll(halLinkFactory.getLinksFor(halResource, pageable));

    links.sort((Link l1, Link l2) ->, l2.getRel()));


    for (Object obj : halResource.getEmbeddedResources().values()) {
        if (obj instanceof Collection) {
            for (Object subObj : (Collection) obj) {
                if (subObj instanceof HALResource) {
                    addLinks((HALResource) subObj);
        } else if (obj instanceof Map) {
            for (Object subObj : ((Map) obj).values()) {
                if (subObj instanceof HALResource) {
                    addLinks((HALResource) subObj);
        } else if (obj instanceof EmbeddedPage) {
            for (Object subObj : ((EmbeddedPage) obj).getPageContent()) {
                if (subObj instanceof HALResource) {
                    addLinks((HALResource) subObj);
        } else if (obj instanceof HALResource) {
            addLinks((HALResource) obj);

Community Converter

Class Code→

This class will convert a DSpace API Community object into a REST representation of a Community object.

public class CommunityConverter
    extends DSpaceObjectConverter<org.dspace.content.Community,> {

Community REST Model

Class Code→

This class helps to construct a JSON representation of the properties of a DSpace Object.

public class CommunityRest extends DSpaceObjectRest {

Define the REST API path elements for this object

    public static final String NAME = "community";
    public static final String CATEGORY = RestAddressableModel.CORE;

Linked objects will be accessible through links and will not be described in the JSON properties.

    private BitstreamRest logo;

    private List<CollectionRest> collections;

    @LinkRest(linkClass = CollectionRest.class)
    public List<CollectionRest> getCollections() {
        return collections;

    public void setCollections(List<CollectionRest> collections) {
        this.collections = collections;

    private List<CommunityRest> subcommunities;

    @LinkRest(linkClass = CommunityRest.class)
    public List<CommunityRest> getSubcommunities() {
        return subcommunities;

    public void setSubCommunities(List<CommunityRest> subcommunities) {
        this.subcommunities = subcommunities;

    public BitstreamRest getLogo() {
        return logo;

    public void setLogo(BitstreamRest logo) {
        this.logo = logo;

The following attributes will be included in the JSON representation

    public String getCategory() {
        return CATEGORY;

    public String getType() {
        return NAME;


Other Standard DSpace attributes are defined in the base class.

Class Code→

public abstract class DSpaceObjectRest extends BaseObjectRest<String> {
    private String uuid;

    private String name;
    private String handle;

    List<MetadataEntryRest> metadata;

    public String getId() {
        return uuid;

    public String getUuid() {
        return uuid;

    public void setUuid(String uuid) {
        this.uuid = uuid;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getHandle() {
        return handle;

    public void setHandle(String handle) {
        this.handle = handle;

    public List<MetadataEntryRest> getMetadata() {
        return metadata;

    public void setMetadata(List<MetadataEntryRest> metadata) {
        this.metadata = metadata;

    public Class getController() {
        return RestResourceController.class;