Exercise 3: Browsing the Repository with Postman

1. Use Postman to load the REST API landing page


You will see some HTML text. Postman will not render the HAL Browser.

2. Communities

2a. Use Postman to list all communities


Note that the “Pretty” view will allow you to expand and collapse the JSON data that is returned.

At the bottom of the return object, you will see a count of the number of objects that was returned. Collapse items in the return object to help locate this field.

2b. Use Postman to list all communities


3. Collections

3a. Use Postman to list all collections


3b. Add a size parameter in postman to change the page size

Note the change in results.

3c. Add a page and size parameter in postman to navigate to a different page of results.

Note the change in results.

dspacedemo+admin@gmail.com / dspace